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The Sales and Marketing Playbook To Expand Enterprise Accounts

Author - Ali Tweed
Ali TweedABM Manager
Company - Redis
Transitioning to a One-to-One ABM Approach
Targeted Educational Workshops For Strategic Customers
Personalizing the Customer Experience
Aligning with Sales Goals and Incentives
1:1 ABM personalization made easy

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  • How to use focused one-to-one ABM techniques to expand existing customer usage
  • The importance of aligning marketing efforts with sales goals and incentives
  • Techniques for personalizing the customer experience to drive engagement


  • Account-Based personalization platform
  • Target customer account list
  • Budget for account engagement events
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


The marketing team at Redis faced a familiar challenge with their Account-Based Marketing (ABM) program: false starts and engagement issues. Despite their efforts, they struggled to align with the sales development representatives' (SDRs) incentives and objectives, hindering the program's success.

“In partnership with our SDRs, we started our ABM program with 200 accounts,” said Ali Tweed, ABM Manager at Redis. “We were doing all the right things from a marketing stand-point, but right out of the gate we saw a lack of engagement with the SDRs.”

"SDRs are incentivized to book meetings, not engage with existing customers. We knew we had to do something different.”

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


This led Andrea Nardello, Global Account Manager at Redis, to reach out to Ali to come up with a collaborative one-to-one ABM strategy that aligned marketing efforts with sales goals; specifically targeting key accounts to drive more engagement and generate significant pipeline.

"We theorized that by giving a few strategic Enterprise customers a truly personalized experience, we could expand their usage of the product to new use cases and increase their contract,” Andrea explained.

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Transitioning to a One-to-One ABM Approach

Redis transitioned from targeting 200 accounts, to a focused one-to-one strategy with a more manageable number of accounts.

This allowed them to concentrate their efforts on the most promising opportunities and tailor their messaging and tactics to each account's unique needs.

Targeted Educational Workshops For Strategic Customers

“Some of our Enterprise customers are so large, they didn't even know they had our product to be able to use. They might have have tens of thousands of engineers and many other lines of business that could benefit from our products,” said Andrea. 

To increase awareness and understanding of Redis' products within their key accounts, the team implemented targeted workshops. These interactive sessions aimed to educate teams within customer accounts on how to effectively utilize Redis' solutions, ensuring they were aware of the products' capabilities and potential benefits.

“So what we did was start with workshops to educate the teams. You almost have to market into your customer as if you were marketing to prospects.”

There were 3 key aspects that they needed to align on before delivering these in-person workshops:

  1. Who were the end-users at the account and what use cases were they using the product for.

  2. What are some new use cases you could show the users so they get more value from the product

  3. Find more contacts within the account who could also benefit from using the product.

With these key objectives set, the SDRs and ABM team were able to apply their complimentary skillsets to prospecting and running marketing campaigns to fill the workshop room with relevant contacts. 

Personalizing the Customer Experience

Personalization was a crucial component of Redis' one-to-one ABM playbook. They needed to show up on multiple channels, while still making a conscious efforts to use the language of their customers’ industry to demonstrate a deep understanding of their industry and challenges.

The team leveraged personalized content and messaging using Mutiny, tailoring their approach to each account's unique needs and preferences.

They would run ads specifically targeting contacts at their customer accounts to get them to sign up for the workshops.


And they would also personalize their website using Mutiny so when a contact from a target account visited, they’d be prompted to attend the workshop. 


Which would then take the customer to a signup page where they would register for a workshop in their area.


Aligning with Sales Goals and Incentives

Throughout the process, Redis ensured that their marketing efforts were closely aligned with the sales team's goals and incentives.

This collaboration made sure that both teams were working towards the same objectives and maximizing the impact of their efforts.


Redis' focused one-to-one ABM strategy and personalized workshops led to increased awareness, product adoption, and pipeline within these critical customers.

"The results exceeded our expectations," Ali shared. "By aligning our marketing efforts with sales goals and personalizing the customer experience, we were able to create meaningful connections and drive real business impact."

And when it comes to Enterprise customers, sometimes the best thing you can do is to get into the room with them.


The approach of targeting specific accounts, providing tailored educational content, and aligning the incentives of Sales with Marketing successful. 

“As a seller, all I care about is pipeline. And these workshops deliver. It’s great because we don’t need to get caught up in the trap of over-analyzing the metrics in the dashboard,” said Andrea. “We can focus our energy and resources on serving our customers better. Their lives are easier, and in return we’re able to drive more pipeline. Win-win.”