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How Design Pickle Tweaked Their Demo Form and Grew Bookings By 86%

Author - Jennifer Osgood
Jennifer OsgoodSr. Director of Marketing
Company - Design Pickle
Identify where the dropoff was occurring
Reassure prospects of the last step of booking a demo
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  • Why a high volume of qualified marketing leads doesn’t guarantee booked demos
  • How to get more demos booked with a small tweak to your form
  • How marketing can help the sales team create more opportunities


  • A website personalization and A/B testing platform
  • Website analytics for understanding current buyer journey
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


Design Pickle runs a high-velocity business model, meaning the sales cycle is short. So short, in fact, that it’s not uncommon for a deal to be closed-won on the first call. What a treat!

Because the sales team is busy, well, selling, that means marketing is on the hook for 100% of pipeline. No outbounding, no prospecting. Just good ‘ol fashioned inbound marketing. 

This means that Design Pickle’s sales and marketing must operate in lock-step. If ‌deal velocity slows down, or the close rate decreases, they won’t hit their revenue targets. For them, efficiency is the name of the game.

Jennifer Osgood, Senior Director of Marketing, saw a problem. 

“The marketing team was generating a ton of qualified leads. However, when we looked at the data, less than 10% were actually converting into any kind of opportunity”.

If the lead doesn’t book a demo, the cost of acquisition goes up and sales won’t have enough pipeline to stay busy.

This observation caused the team to pause and think about how they could solve this disconnect simply and quickly. 

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


During this discovery phase, they needed to look at the on-site buyer journey to see where the disconnect was happening, so they could craft a plan to fix it. 

They went down the list of questions to diagnose the problem:

  • Were they driving enough traffic? Yes, they could see, from their analytics, that the volume of traffic being sent to their request a demo page was constant and healthy. 

  • Were they driving qualified traffic? Yup! After looking at their paid ads accounts and CRM, they could see that they were sending qualified audiences towards the demo page. 

  • Were visitors completing the form? Not quite. Some were, but the conversion rate wasn’t high enough to drive the amount of pipeline that the sales team needed. 

Because Design Pickle was processing so many demo requests, they needed to collect enough information to route these leads to the correct sales rep. 

This meant that they had a 4-step form that needed to be completed before a prospect could book a sales call.

Design Pickle Demo Form

From this research, they came up with a hypotheses: prospects aren’t reaching the end of the form because they don’t know how many steps are left. The conversion rate can be improved by informing them when they have just one more step to go.

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Identify where the dropoff was occurring

The form was doing a great job at making sure the leads are qualified, however it also discouraged a large percentage of users from finishing the process. 

As Jen explains, intentional friction is something that is built into their booking form, by design, to make sure that the leads are serious. This involves multiple screens that ask specific qualifying questions. 

The downside is that even serious leads can give up if they feel like there is an endless amount of questions to answer, when in reality their form only has 4 steps:

  • Step 1: Email and company name

  • Step 2: What services are you interested in? 

  • Step 3: Personal information

  • Step 4: Book a time

To find where they needed to focus their efforts, they did an analysis of the form flow. What they found was 90% of prospects moved from step 2 to step 3. Nice! That’s a great conversion rate. 

But then only 50% of those prospects made it to the final step to book a demo (aka the step that matters the most). That meant that tons of prospects were coming sooo close, only to bail at the last step because they didn’t know. That gave Jen an idea…

Blog Image | Design Pickle Demo Dropoff

Reassure prospects of the last step of booking a demo

Jen wanted to test if showing an alternative heading on the last step in the form would be enough to inform prospects that they’re almost done.

So they tested it. The control header read: “Let’s get personal!” 

And the variant read: “Just one more step!”

Blog Image | Design Pickle Demo Form test

They used Mutiny to implement a 50/50 split test on that header. This allowed them to instantly test their hypothesis and begin to collect results.


The test had a massive impact – the alternate heading resulted in an 86% lift in booked demos. And because they were driving a lot of traffic to this test, they reached ‌99% statistical significance in just a week! 

As Jen Explains: “This was a huge win for us. Fewer leads were now falling through the cracks”.

And this means that Design Pickle is able to hit their pipeline goals, while keeping their cost of acquiring a customer down. Win-win, especially for their high-velocity business model. 

With this win under their belt, they’re continuing to learn and test new ideas on their website and form to continue to increase their conversion rate.

The job of a growth marketer is never done!

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