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+77% lift in CVR

Message Matching Drives 77% CVR Lift

Author - Kayla Henneman
Kayla HennemanSr. Paid Search Specialist
Company - Attentive
Evaluate ads for consistency
Match ad and landing page copy
THE IMPACTNext Playbook


  • Why mismatched messaging creates a disjointed user experience
  • How to evaluate paid ads for cohesion
  • How to message match across ads and landing pages


  • A library of content that can be tagged to one of your ideal customer personas
  • A website personalization platform that connects to your CRM
  • Ad-specific UTM parameters
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


Attentive grew fast — 4,110% increase in revenue between 2018 and 2021. Since then, they’ve shown little signs of slowing down. When drastic economic headwinds and market uncertainty began to emerge in late 2022, Attentive wanted to take the necessary steps to be certain that they were growing efficiently.

To contribute to Attentive’s growth, Kayla Henneman, Paid Search Specialist, faced an unenviable challenge: Drive more demo requests from paid channels with a lower budget. To ramp up the pressure, she also faced rising CPCs, which eroded the impact of her frozen ad budget even more.

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


Kayla discovered a potential solution to her challenge when evaluating a Google ads campaign. One ad caught her eye. It had a huge click-through rate — far higher than others in the campaign — but a significantly lower conversion rate.

Kayla studied the ad and discovered the problem: mismatched messaging.

“The ad copy wasn’t addressed anywhere on the landing page,” she explains. “Users were coming to the landing page, not seeing anything related to the ad, and bouncing.”

That inspired Kayla’s hypothesis: Matching the content of an ad to the content of a landing page will improve its conversion rate. By message matching ads and landing pages, she believed Attentive could boost its demo requests without increasing its ad spend.

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Evaluate ads for consistency

Does the copy that you're using in your ads align with the copy used on the landing page you're sending traffic to?

For example, a “Valentine’s Day” ad linked to a “V-Day” landing page makes total sense, says Kayla. However, if the same ad pointed to a generic holiday landing page, you’d want to change it.

That example is obvious, but what about for search ads used for specific keywords?

Here’s a real example of an ad that Attentive was running:


This ad focuses on sending texts that get read. This is key messaging for Attentive who prides themselves on delivering high-impact text messages for their customers.

However, the default landing page that a prospect saw when they clicked that ad looked like this:


The landing page features a generic headline about being the most comprehensive text message marketing solution. Although true, it doesn't match the context that interested the prospect enough to have them click.

Ads like these — ones with mismatched messaging — are perfect candidates for message matching.

Match ad and landing page copy

Where there’s a mismatch, Kayla used Mutiny to dynamically insert a personalized headline that matched the ad copy. Using the UTM parameters of the ad, she was able to identify what ad each visitor was coming from, and show them landing page copy with perfect alignment to the ad – all from a single templated landing page.

Here’s the variant landing page for the “send texts” ad we saw earlier (changes shown in purple):


The generic headline’s out. In its place is a mirror of the ad’s core message: Send texts your customers want to read (and act on).


Kayla’s experiment paid off — big time. 

Message matching drove a 77% improvement to Attentive’s conversion rate, resulting in 125+ additional demo requests in three months.

And this increase in conversion comes at a key moment as companies look for ways to drive efficient growth.

“The takeaway is that message matching provides a consistent user experience,” says Kayla. “I’ve become the Queen of message matching.”

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